OpenBullet Proxy

OpenBullet Proxy Proxies is a feature that allows users to use multiple proxy servers simultaneously. This is beneficial for individuals who want to conduct multiple tasks at once while remaining anonymous. These tasks may include web scraping, load testing, or any task that requires you to hide or change your original IP address. This feature ensures high levels of security and efficiency. With OpenBullet Proxy Proxies, users can select their preferred type of proxy, either HTTP, SOCKS4, or SOCKS5, based on their specific needs.


What is OpenBullet Proxy Proxies?

OpenBullet Proxy Proxies are proxies employed in the OpenBullet software. A proxy or a proxy server is essentially a buffer between your device and the websites you visit. OpenBullet is an open-source penetration testing software that allows you to test website security by simulating different browse scenarios. In this context, proxies are used to mask the real IP, distributing the requests over a vast network of proxies, which is crucial to not get IP-banned and to test different geolocations.


How do I add proxies to OpenBullet?

To add proxies to OpenBullet, you should navigate to the ‘Proxies’ tab in the tool. Here, you click on ‘New’ and choose the type of proxy you are adding (HTTP, SOCKS4, SOCKS5), then paste in your proxy list. Finally, you should click on the ‘Save’ button. Your added proxies will be listed in the ‘Proxies’ tab and can be used in your OpenBullet testing.


Can I import and export proxies in OpenBullet?

Yes, you can both import and export proxies from the OpenBullet application. The ‘Proxies’ tab in the tool comes with ‘Import’ and ‘Export’ buttons that allow you to upload a file containing proxy configurations and save your current list of proxies to a text file respectively. When exporting, the file format will be the same as that required for import.

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Other Proxies

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